Namibian diamonds, regarded by most in the industry as the “Queen of Diamonds” have one of the world’s highest quality diamonds, with an unparalleled natural luster and finish. These beautiful gems, through their long and impressive journey take on special characteristics as they journey along there major stages of sedimentation. From the Kimberlite where they are mined as land diamonds, before journeying to the Orange river, whey are take on a lustier appearance as alluvial diamonds before finally ending on the seabed of the Atlantic Ocean where they are sustainably and ethically recovered as marine diamonds. Every stage of the journey adding more luster, shine and semi polished features.

NAMDIA is the single source of guaranteed Namibian diamonds in the market. Our diamonds are sourced from Namdeb (on shore) and Debmarine (off shore), Namibia’s diamond mining companies, established as a result of a partnership agreement between the Government of the Republic of Namibia and DeBeers. Under the contractual arrangements that exist NAMDIA buys 15% run-off mine from Namibia Diamond Trading Company (NDTC), providing our clients with an assortment of rare and exceptional high quality diamonds through to lower quality industrial stones. With 10 cycles annually, the production is made available to NAMDIA clients through a hybrid selling strategy of direct sales ad online bidding.

5-10 Carats
4Ct-10 Grainer
8 Grainer
6/5 Grainer
4 Grainer
3 Grainer